
Aged Care

  • R U OK Day

    • September 2020

      4 mins

    Today we acknowledge as R U OK? Day here in Australia. It’s about encouraging those often difficult conversations around our mental health and to make sure we check in with the ones we care about. We spoke with HenderCare psychologist, Branka Radovanovic, about the impact of such a simple question and how to ensure we

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  • Aged Care Employee Day

    • August 2020

      3 mins

    Today we celebrate Aged Care Employee Day, an opportunity to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our aged care employees who work tirelessly to provide the best care for the vulnerable members of our community. Here at HenderCare, we are very fortunate to have incredible staff who work hard to ensure clients are matched

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  • As a provider of health and community care, we are closely following developments surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19). We are aware that the evolving nature of the virus is causing concern amongst the community, including our service recipients. Please be assured that HenderCare is acting strictly in line with the advice provided by the Australian Government

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  • Earlier this week we announced the beginning of Men’s Health Week both here in Australia and around the world. The week is all about highlighting the importance of getting men talking about their health and being proactive towards health issues they may face. One particular and major health issue many men face is testicular cancer.

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  • International Nurses Day

    • May 2020

      2 mins

    Today is International Nurses Day, a day to celebrate and honour the incredible work of nurses around the world, especially during this time of COVID-19. We spoke to one of HenderCare’s Registered Nurse Clinical Educators, Anne Moseley, on how COVID-19 has changed her role and the importance of keeping our team members and service recipients

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  • International Women’s Day

    • April 2020

      3 mins

    International Women’s Day in 2020 celebrates the theme #EachforEqual, recognising the importance of working together to create an equal world for everyone. The theme focuses on breaking down barriers that can stand in the way of creating a more equal and fair society where opportunities are available to people no matter their gender. On this

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  • COVIDSafe app- How it works

    • April 2020

      2 mins

    The COVIDSafe app was released by the Australian Government two days ago on the 27th of April with the aim of being able to monitor cases and controlling the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The app allows state and territory officials to monitor who has been in contact with those with the coronavirus, in a

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  • April Falls Month

    • April 2020

      2 mins

    April Falls Month might sound a little like April Fool’s Day, but this awareness month is no laughing matter. Older Australians are at a higher risk of life-changing falls and while this can sometimes be a related part of the ageing process there are a number of preventative measures that can be put in place

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  • With the Coronavirus (COVID-19) impacting on a global and local level, it is completely understandable for people to become stressed or anxious. Managing these emotions is important to help counteract negative impacts in other areas of our lives, such as getting the right amount of sleep or our overall physical and mental health. HenderCare’s Clinical

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  • Hearing Awareness Week

    • March 2020

      3 mins

    Did you know that hearing loss is more common than heart disease, cancer and diabetes? This week we look at Hearing Awareness Week, supported by Deafness Forum Australia and World Hearing Forum. The week is all about recognising the number of Australians who suffer hearing loss everyday and understanding the signs of hearing loss, particularly

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