Aged Care

  • In 2004, we opened our doors in Adelaide. In the fourteen years that have passed, our team has grown across South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, Queensland, Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory. We’re taking a moment to celebrate our fourteenth birthday and acknowledge our team and the consumers, participants and referring organisations

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  • Exploring dementia and love

    • January 2018

      2 mins

    The Museum of Love is a project launched on Valentine’s Day in 2017 by Celebrate Ageing. It’s designed to document the importance and presence of love in the lives of people with dementia. Yesterday, the Museum of Love launched its new website. Photo credit: Lisa White, The Social Photographer. The Museum of Love shares stories,

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  • The Bureau of Metereology has forecast extremely hot weather in South Australia and Victoria over the next few days. We’re taking this opportunity to remind you to look after yourself, and others around you as the temperature is expected to reach 41 degrees Celsius on Thursday. Stay cool and stay alert One of the best

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  • Whether you’re just starting to think about in-home support, or have had your ACAT assessment and are on the National Home Care Packages Queue, you probably want to know what the costs of a Home Care Package are. Carmen and Jon from the HenderCare team joined Chris Ilsley on Perth radio station 6PR to have

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  • A diagnosis of a serious illness has a multitude of consequences. There may be significant symptoms related to the disease such as pain, breathing difficulties, nausea, fatigue and weakness. Such illnesses often limit a person’s ability to do the shopping and chores, attend the many medical appointments required, and can potentially lead to social isolation.

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  • Consumers are often surprised when they find out the many different services they can access with a Home Care Package. Carmen and Jon from the HenderCare team joined Chris Ilsley on Perth radio station 6PR to have a chat about how a Home Care Package could lighten the load for you at home. How you

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  • As of February this year, Home Care Package consumers were given the choice of changing service providers if they wanted to. Most service providers charge an exit fee if a consumer decides to change providers. At HenderCare, we decided to scrap exit fees to make it easier for older Australians. Exit fees and Home Care

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  • Successful public spaces become well-used venues for extending daily life beyond the home. But when public spaces are not well designed and maintained for everyday use and comfort, and their needs are not met, older people are discouraged from getting out and about. What do older people want? Our survey participants identified the key factors

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  • As we reach adulthood, we notice changes in our bodies at every stage of ageing. We might find we need glasses when we hit our thirties, we can’t keep weight off as easily into our forties, we mightn’t feel as strong playing sport with the kids in our fifties, and we can’t hear a conversation

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  • Originally published on The Conversation, this article offers an interesting perspective on the importance of the language we use when talking about older Australians, and our ageing population. All hail the ‘silver surfer’. But other terms used to describe older Australians are not so complimentary. Kate Burridge, Monash University and Réka Benczes, Monash University The

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