Important Information
With COVID still present in the community, please consult your local health authority website for the latest information regarding quarantine advice and exposure sites. Follow the specific advice as listed on their websites and inform your Service Delivery & Rostering Officer immediately if you are unable to proceed to a shift. For internal staff members, please ensure you inform your Team Leader/Manager.
It is the personal responsibility of every team member to ensure that you are following your local state or territory COVID-19 health guidelines.
As a reminder, you must inform HenderCare immediately if you meet any of the below criteria:
- Do you (or anyone in the household) have a confirmed case of COVID-19?
- Are you (or anyone in the household) awaiting a COVID-19 test result because of symptoms?
- Do you (or anyone in the household) have cold or flu-like symptoms (e.g: fever over 37.5, runny nose, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, night sweats etc.) gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting), rash (scabies, head lice etc)
With state and territories currently issuing different isolation advice, we ask that you please call your local public health authority or HenderCare on 1300 764 433 to seek advice on when you can return to work after contracting COVID or being identified as a close contact. If you contract COVID or are a close contact you must successfully complete the required COVID-19 testing or quarantine requirements as directed by your local state or territory health authority.
Anyone with health concerns regarding the coronavirus needs to speak to their GP or to call the Coronavirus helpline on 1800 020 080.
Any copies of COVID-19 test results or official government COVID-19 vaccination certificates must be sent to
If you are healthy, you are encouraged to continue working as normal.
Infection Prevention and Control Interim Risk Management Guidelines during COVID-19
In response to the pandemic, all team members are encouraged to review HenderCare’s Infection Prevention and Control Interim Risk Management Guidelines. We encourage all team members to review this document via Qintil.
What to do in the event of a lockdown
Should your state or territory go into lockdown please follow the below general advice. Please note that in the event of a lockdown, HenderCare will provide you with further information relevant to your location.
- Please keep your HenderCare ID badge and proof of essential services letter on you at all times when travelling to and from services.
- Surgical face masks MUST be worn during every service & changed a minimum of every four hours.
- COVID-19 Health Check Questions MUST be asked before attending EVERY service.
- If you require urgent access to additional PPE, please purchase it from your local pharmacy, supermarket or other store and HenderCare will reimburse you the cost. For PPE requests, please email
- All team members have a responsibility to check your local health website for regular updates regarding the lockdown and any new quarantine advice.
Notifiable condition
COVID-19 is a notifiable condition under the Australian Notifiable Disease Surveillance System and must be disclosed.
Vaccination Information
All HenderCare team members are required to be vaccinated in line with your local state or territory vaccination dates to continue providing services for HenderCare/HenderCare Foundation.
QLD | You are considered fully vaccinated after you have had two doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccine in QLD.
HenderCare strongly recommends all staff receive the third booster dose, even in states and territories where it is not currently mandated. Click here to book your booster today. |
WA | Three doses required.
In addition to your first two doses, all WA team members are required to receive an approved COVID-19 vaccination booster (third dose) within one month of becoming eligible. Click here to book your booster today. |
SA | Three doses required.
Team members who attend healthcare settings are required to have had a COVID-19 vaccination booster (third dose) within four weeks of becoming eligible OR, must have official evidence or a booking to receive a third dose of a TGA approved COVID-19 vaccine. |
VIC | Three doses required.
The Victorian Government have now mandated that all workers in healthcare, aged care and disability must receive a third dose, or booster shot, of an approved COVID-19 vaccine. From 11:59 pm on Wednesday 12 January 2022, HenderCare employees will have three months and two weeks from the day they received their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, to get their booster shot (third dose). Booster extension granted:
ACT | Three doses required.
From 28 March 2022, aged care and disability workers will need to be up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations. This includes a third (booster) dose. |
NSW | Three doses required.
Disability and aged care workers will be required to have three doses of an approved vaccine either by 12 April or within six weeks of being due to receive a third (booster) dose. |
TAS | Three doses required.
Workers in aged care and disability, who are covered under vaccination requirements, will be required to have a booster dose of the COVID vaccine by 1 April 2022. |
People with a past SARS/COVID infection, please speak with your GP when you are due to receive your COVID booster for the relevant medical information.
If you have a medical exemption, please send this information to
Where do I send proof of my vaccination?
You need to send your official government proof of vaccination to
How do I obtain my official proof of vaccination?
Please click here for advice on how to download your official vaccination certificate.
I’m fully vaccinated, do I still need to have a COVID-19 test if I have COVID-19 symptoms?
You must still have a COVID-19 test if you develop symptoms of COVID-19, no matter how mild.
If I catch COVID-19 after I have the vaccine, can I pass the infection onto others?
It is still possible to pass on COVID-19 to other people even if you have been vaccinated.
Do I still need to quarantine if I’ve been fully vaccinated?
You still need to comply with the restrictions in your state, including quarantine and testing requirements, even if you’ve been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
It is still possible to catch COVID-19 even if you have been fully vaccinated and you could pass the virus on to others who may not be vaccinated.
Positive, Close Contact and Other Contact Information
What do I do if I test positive to COVID?
If you test positive to COVID-19, follow the health advice as listed on your local health or territory website. Please call to inform your Service Delivery & Rostering Officer or Team Leader/Manager as soon as possible on 1300 764 433 so they can take you out of active shifts for your required quarantine period.
You are not permitted to continue working for HenderCare/HenderCare Foundation whilst you are COVID positive.
- SA Health – information about a positive result for COVID-19
- WA Health – FAQs
- VIC Health – checklist for COVID cases
- ACT Health – information for people who test positive for COVID-19
- NSW Health – testing positive to COVID-19
- QLD Health – first steps if you have COVID-19
- TAS Health – isolation information
Close contact definitions have changed recently, what is now considered a close contact?
State/Territory | Close contact advice | Advice |
SA | Close contact means
(a) a person who is a household member or an intimate partner of a COVID-19 case during their infectious period; or (b) a person who has had close personal interaction with a COVID-19 case during their infectious period; or (c) a person who has been notified by SA Heath that they are a close contact with a COVID-19 case; or (d) a person who has been at an exposure site during the exposure period for that site. Close personal interaction between a person and a COVID-19 case means interaction (e) for 15 minutes or more; and (f) where masks are not worn by the person and the COVID-19 case; and (g) in close physical proximity; and (h) occurring in an indoor setting. |
Please click here for testing and quarantine requirements for close contacts and household contacts. |
TAS | A close contact is someone who has had prolonged contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case during their infectious period, creating a high risk for transmission.
This could be a person who is a household contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case, or someone who has spent more than 4 hours (the 4 hours can be cumulative and occur during the case’s infectious period) with a confirmed case in a house, accommodation or care facility setting. A close contact can also be someone that has spent 4 hours at the same site, workplace or venue as a case during a significant transmission event. You will be advised you are a contact by the case themselves or by a message from Public Health. Examples of likely close contacts include:
A person might still be a close contact if they have spent less than 4 hours face-to-face with a case but there is a risk of transmission based on:
Please click here for testing and quarantine requirements for close contacts and household contacts |
ACT | Close contacts include:
Please click here for testing and quarantine requirements for close contacts and household contacts |
VIC | Household or household-like contacts is someone that you have spent more than 4 hours with someone who has COVID-19 inside a house, accommodation or care facility | Please click here for testing and quarantine requirements for household or household-like contacts |
NSW | Close contacts are defined as:
Please click here for testing and quarantine requirements for confirmed and close contacts |
QLD | You are a close contact if you are a household member or a household-like contact of a diagnosed person:
· a household member is a person who ordinarily resides at the same premises or place of accommodation as the diagnosed person, and who are residing at the premises or place of accommodation at the time the diagnosed person receives their positive COVID-19 test result. You do not have to be related to the diagnosed person to be considered a household member; · a household-like contact is a person who has spent more than 4 hours with the diagnosed person in a house or other place of accommodation, care facility or similar. |
Please click here for testing and quarantine requirements for confirmed and close contacts |
Please note that WA is waiting to apply the national close contact definition. This information will be updated if and when this occurs.
Can I work if I am a close contact or awaiting test results?
No. If you are required to isolate or undertake a COVID-19 test as a close contact, you are not eligible to provide services under HenderCare/HenderCare Foundation until you have completed the required COVID-19 testing or quarantine requirements as directed by your local state or territory health authority.
Please note if you are considered a casual contact, you need to follow the specific health advice as listed on your local state or territory health website.
What do I do if I’ve been to an exposure site?
Follow the specific advice related to that exposure site as listed on the relevant state or territory health website. Inform your Service Delivery & Rostering Officer or Team Leader/Manager immediately.
How do I self-isolate or quarantine?
Please click here for information regarding home isolation guidance.
PPE Advice
With state and territory advice changing frequently regarding the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), we encourage you to check your emails regularly for updates from HenderCare regarding PPE requirements relevant to your state.
We have developed a PPE Matrix to help provide guidance of HenderCare’s current national PPE requirements for field workers.
>> Click here to view.
Please note:
- As at 4 Jan 2022, all HenderCare field workers are currently required to wear single-use surgical face masks whilst at service.
- As at 6 Jan 2022, all HenderCare Foundation team members are required to wear single-use surgical face masks whilst at placement (exc carers room and bathroom).
Please click the below links for further information regarding correct use of PPE.
- Video of correct donning and doffing of PPE
- Cleaning and disinfecting face shields
- Video to show how to clean face shields
- Sequence for putting on PPE
- How to wear a face mask
We advise that you bring paper towel and hand sanitiser with you to each service in the event that the service recipient does not have any in their home. Please ensure you wash your hands and cough into your elbow or a tissue to help prevent the spread of germs.
Domestic Assistance and PPE Use
If you provide Domestic Assistance services, please follow the below advice regarding PPE.
- Please wash hands between glove usage
- If you are using heavy duty gloves for cleaning, these can be washed with soap and water and dried with paper towel before you leave the premises. Please remember that the gloves need to be completely dry before next service
- Where possible, please have more than one pair of heavy duty gloves
- Where possible, please use disposable gloves except for high risk jobs (bathroom, toilet, chemicals)
- At no stage should you be wearing PPE between jobs, all PPE should be removed and either cleaned (if possible) or disposed of
Face mask information
- When face masks are required, HenderCare care asks affected team members to wear single-use surgical face masks.
- Cloth masks are not currently approved for use at HenderCare services.
- For a video reminder of how to put on your face mask, click here.
- Surgical face masks MUST be changed every four hours, or earlier if any of the following criteria are met:
- The mask becomes wet, soiled or damaged;
- Between services and before getting into your vehicle
How to access additional PPE
- For urgent PPE requests, we ask you to purchase PPE from a pharmacy or supermarket and HenderCare will reimburse the cost.
- For non-urgent PPE requests, please email outlining the below
- What type of PPE is required
- Preferred size (if relevant)
- Your best contact details (phone and email)
- Your address (including state and postcode)
- For HenderCare Foundation team members, please email to request additional PPE.
Office team members
- Please ensure you wash your hands regularly and use the sanitising stations located around your office
- If you are in a state that requires masks to be worn indoors, please ensure that you are wearing masks whenever you move away from your workstation
- Remain 1.5m away from other team members at all times
- Stay home whenever you are feeling unwell (or if you are COVID positive or a close contact)
Health considerations for older or vulnerable team members
In line with government advice, HenderCare would like to remind those workers considered vulnerable to more serious infection (including aged over 70 years, non-Indigenous and are aged 65 years or older with a chronic illness or are Indigenous and aged 50 years or older with a chronic illness) to discuss with our HR team how best to manage your own risk at work.
If you feel that you are more vulnerable to infection, or for any other personal medical circumstances feel that you should not be attending work, please raise your concerns with your Coordinator who can refer this matter to Human Resources.
You can speak with our team by calling 1300 764 433.
Service information
Health Check Questions
We require all HenderCare team members to ask the service recipient the below questions upon arrival at service and at a distance of 1.5m before entering the home:
- Are you currently in isolation or have you tested positive to COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
- Have you been in close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 7 days?
- Are you currently unwell? Do you have a fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, night sweats, chills, muscle aches or loss of taste or smell?
If the service recipient answers ‘yes’ to any of these questions, please call your Coordinator immediately on 1300 764 433.
If whilst at service, you have concerns about the health of the service recipient, please call your Coordinator on 1300 764 433. If the service recipient is having difficulty breathing or any other form of severe medical episode, please call 000.
Domestic assistance
If you are attending a domestic assistance service, please pay particular attention to areas that receive frequent contact (for example door handles or benchtops) and be sure to clean and sanitise these surfaces thoroughly. Wear your required personal protective equipment (PPE) and ensure a new pair of disposable gloves is used at each service, or more frequently if required.
Providing social supports
- When transporting a HenderCare service recipient, the recipient should sit in the rear seat on the passenger side (max one client per sedan)
- When transporting for HenderCare Foundation, you are permitted to have more than passenger per trip with the understanding that all passengers reside in the same house and do not have a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19.
- Air-conditioning should be left off and if air is needed, please open a rear window, driver window can also be opened
- Vehicles need to be cleaned before next use/client job/service (disinfectant wipes preferable)
- Social supports should be carried out in the home (where possible) and at a distance of 1.5m
- Shopping lists should be organised prior to arriving at the shops
- Good personal hygiene at all times and a change of clothes (in case required)
Meal Preparation
The World Health Organisation’s Food and Safety Guidance advise that food preparation can still occur with the below in mind:
- Wearing gloves
- Proper hand hygiene
- Frequent use of hand sanitiser (where possible)
- Frequent cleaning of/disinfection of surface
- Frequent cleaning of high touch point areas (e.g.: door handles)
- We also ask that all fruit and veg is washed thoroughly before eating or cooking it
Co-payment Collection and PPE
When collecting cash co-payments at a service, please ensure you wash your hands thoroughly after touching the money, or sanitise where washing is not possible.
If you do not feel comfortable doing this, you are also welcome to follow the below procedure:
- Wear gloves when accepting cash
- Place the collected money into a snap-lock bag and seal
- Wear gloves when handling your receipt book and when providing the receipt to the service recipient
- Please leave the receipt on a clean surface
- Wear gloves when removing the cash from the snap-lock bag and clean the money in warm soapy water (old toothbrushes can be effective to scrub coins)
- Allow to dry thoroughly before storing
What to do if a service recipient is thinking of cancelling/suspending their services
Whilst at work you may speak with service recipients who are thinking about temporarily suspending their services. At a time of a health crisis, it is natural that some people will look to do this and it is completely their choice to do so.
If a service recipient tells you that they are thinking of suspending their services, you may like to remind them that HenderCare can work with them to ensure they feel comfortable during the service. Some ways to do this include:
- additional cleaning of high touch point areas in the home
- the service recipient is welcome to be in another room or outside (weather permitting) while you work in the home
- home and garden maintenance workers can remain outside for the duration of the service
- maintain social distancing
- encourage the service recipient to provide hospital-grade cleaning products
- discuss the use of PPE
- encourage good hand and cough hygiene
If the service recipient still wishes to suspend the service, they are welcome to do so and we ask that you please direct them to call a HenderCare Service Delivery & Rostering Officer on 1300 764 433 to put this in place.
Our timesheet highlights our health check questions at the top of the sheet. Please ensure you are always using the latest version of the timesheet by downloading it from Qintil (you can locate the timesheet under My Tasks > Timesheets).
Accessing Support
Services Australia have a range of COVID-19 specific financial support measures in place for those who are eligible. To find out if you are eligible for financial support, please click here.
Employee Assist Program
HenderCare has an Employee Assist Program (EAP) available for you to access if you find yourself experiencing emotional, financial or work-related stress during this pandemic. The EAP is provided independently from HenderCare and provides you with up to three confidential sessions with a trained counsellor. To find out more about the EAP, please click here.
Your health and the health of our service recipients is of paramount importance to HenderCare. We are here to support you in staying as healthy as possible during this pandemic.
Your feedback
We want to make sure during this time that you feel supported by HenderCare. Please remember that we have a team of Coordinators who are available to take your call 24/7.
Useful Links
– The Australian Government Department of Health website (
– National Coronavirus Health Information Line 1800 020 080
– Health Direct 1800 022 222
– Health Direct COVID-19 symptoms checker (click here)
– Coronavirus Australia app (apple) (google play)
– Beyond Blue Coronavirus Mental Health Hotline (click here)
Please note that HenderCare aims to update this information as frequently as possible. In the event of an outbreak or lockdown in areas in which HenderCare provides services, team members will be provided further information relevant to the specific situation. If you have questions or concerns regarding this information, please email