Immediate capacity for Paediatric OT in Southern Adelaide!

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HenderCare’s Occupational Therapy team now have immediate capacity* for paediatric participants based in Southern Adelaide.

Our experienced Occupational Therapists work with the participant and their families to identify and implement methods to support the development of fine and gross motor skills; enabling children to maintain and improve their function, safety, participation and independence in daily tasks and activities.

Our skilled OT team can assist with:

  • Toileting
  • Sleeping
  • social-emotional development
  • sensory
  • handwriting skills

If you or a loved one are interested in paediatric Occupational Therapy services with HenderCare, please contact our Allied Health team at or call 1300 764 433.

To learn more about therapy services for children, click here.

*Immediate capacity as of Friday 17th May, subject to change due to availability. 

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