How much do you know about Social Work?

  • 1 min

HenderCare’s Social Work Team provide therapy services to young children with varying needs, including trauma backgrounds and disabilities.

Working 1:1 with a child, our therapists focus on developing the client’s emotional awareness and self-regulation.

HenderCare Social Worker, Hayley, explains how she works with her clients to become more independent and understanding of their emotions.

“I take a play-based approach that aims to create emotional experiences and build resilience by gaining control over fears, reducing stress and increasing well-being and a sense of self.

I support the child to take the lead in play and, in doing so, help them to learn how to self-soothe and increase their emotional and behavioural regulation”.

Did you know that social work support can be delivered in different environments?
Some places you might not suspect!

Hayley sometimes delivers her sessions in the pool!

One of her clients finds the water soothing and, whilst in the pool, easier to self-regulate.

The client’s mother has said that the client will take away the skills Hayley teaches in the water and slowly begins to use them in her everyday life.

If you or a loved one are interested in Social Work services at HenderCare, please call our team on 1300 764 433.

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