Preparing for a video call:
- If you struggle with using video chat technology, there are many resources online, including videos and step-by-step instructions on how to use FaceTime and Zoom. Click here for tips on using FaceTime with your iPhone, iPad, or Ipod touch.
- Place your device on a firm surface, this will free your hands for gesturing and showing objects.
- Make the call in a well lit area.
- Minimise background noise.
- Start with shorter calls (less than 10 minutes) and increase the length as calls become more engaging and part of your routine.
- Make the call part of your routine, so children, friends or family members come to expect and get used to calls.
Keep the call engaging:
- Use songs and games to capture babies’ attention.
- Find interactive activities that you can do with your children by video chat, like baking, playing games or reading books together.
- For parents, bring family members into the day-to-day routine by making the video call as you do routine activities, such as meal time or bedtime etc.
- Try out various filters or virtual backgrounds (built into apps).