Designed and suited to children who would benefit from attending a group setting, these new groups will allow children to practice and develop appropriate social skills, language, emotional regulation, and motor skills.
As a registered NDIS provider, our school holiday therapy groups are accessible under NDIS funding and will be facilitated by a qualified social worker and speech pathologist.
Limited places are available, register your interest today!
Social Butterflies
In this supportive, small group, your child will be guided through group social skills including initiating and joining activities, taking turns and sharing and listening and working together. The session is broken up with movement and sensory breaks allowing group members to remain regulated and engaged in their social learning.
Where: Southgate Square, Reynella
When: 4th & 11th Oct 1:30 – 3:30pm
Age: 4-8 yrs old
The group aims to expand skills in the following areas:
- Group-based play – learning how to initiate and negotiate group-based play, joining games, asking questions and working together
- Emotional regulation – learning how to recognise one’s internal state and regulate appropriately to maintain successful social interactions
- General social skills – learning how to take turns, wait, listen, share items, ask questions to peers and otherwise engage in reciprocal conversation and pro-social behaviour.
Prerequisites for the group:
- ASD diagnosis, mild ID diagnosis or difficulty with social skills
- Aged 4-8 years old.
- Able to communicate either verbally or with AAC.
- Able to attend to and follow basic instructions
- Must complete pre-screening prior to attending the group.
>> Click here to register for Social Butterflies
Social Builders
If you know a child or young person who loves Lego and could benefit from a supportive social skills group, Social Builders may be an ideal group for you to consider.
Social Builders is a single session that will be facilitated by qualified allied health therapists and will help your child to develop social, language and fine motor skills. In the group, each participant is nominated to undertake a role, and together the children need to use these skills to build two Lego models. Once the models are complete, the participants will have free time to create their own masterpieces.
Where: Southgate Square, Reynella
When: 4th & 11th Oct 9:15am-10:30am or 10:45am-12:00pm
Age: 5-8 & 9- 12 years old
The group aims to expand skills in the following areas:
- Group-based play – learning how to initiate and negotiate group-based play, building friendships, sharing, turn taking and waiting, following a routine, problem solving, maintaining attention and joint attention and understanding teamwork
- General social skills – learning how to take turns, share items, ask questions to peers, ask for help, deliver greetings, and otherwise engage in pro-social behaviour.
- Fine motor skills – interpreting visual and verbal instructions, fine motor skills development and hand-eye coordination
Prerequisites for the group:
- ASD diagnosis, mild ID diagnosis, Language disorder, and/or difficulty with social skills
- Able to communicate either verbally or with AAC.
- Able to attend to and follow basic instructions
- 5-12 years old
- Must complete pre-screening prior to attending the group
>> Click here to register for Social Builders
>> Click here to register your interest today!
If you are having trouble completing the form, please email your interest and preferred group and time to