
Indigenous Literacy Foundation

  • 3 mins

HenderCare recently announced a philanthropic partnership with the Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF). Working with Indigenous communities around Australia, the ILF is a national book charity which aims to help improve literacy levels and instil a lifelong love of learning.
With the commencement of the philanthropic partnership, we recently sat down with the ILF’s Relationships Manager Nigel Marsden, to get a better understanding of the organisation and the difference HenderCare’s donation will make to their valuable work.
“The ILF is focused on closing the literacy gap, and ensuring that all Indigenous children have the same access to books and learning as their non-Indigenous counterparts in cities. We are also focused on producing books written by Indigenous people in traditional languages.”
With only 36% of Indigenous Year 5 students in remote communities at or above national minimum reading standards compared to 96% for non-Indigenous students in cities (NAPLAN 2018), the ILF focus their efforts on helping improve literacy standards across three core programs; Book Buzz, Book Supply and Community Literacy Projects.
Mr Marsden says these programs help to ensure Indigenous children are prepared for when they begin their schooling.
“The Book Buzz program aims to develop familiarity and engagement with books for children under five through a daily Story Time session. This helps these youngsters start school with the pre-literacy skills they need to feel confident.”
Mr Marsden also highlighted the positive and long-lasting impact that an early introduction to reading will provide these children.
“Studies have shown that exposure to reading and literacy early in life leads to; increased academic and vocational success, higher self-esteem and commitment to learning. Research has shown that learning to read in their traditional language allows these children to maintain their connection to culture, and country.”
The ILF are passionate about working with remote communities to help increase reading level standards. Mr Marsden goes on to reference the value that donations from individuals and businesses have in ensuring their work can continue to reach the remotest communities in Australia.
“A donation from a company such as HenderCare means a great deal to our organisation, as it is through donations that we are able to empower communities to tell their own stories, and respond to the diverse needs in each community to help build the voices of the future.”
In terms of the future, Mr Marsden says there is still work to be done to see their mission achieved.
“We would hope to see the Indigenous Literacy gap closed, and more Indigenous children in remote communities with easy access to books and learning materials.
We would also like to see more work completed with preservation of traditional languages, which is something that we as an organisation are passionate about.”
To donate to the organisation, click the link below:

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