
Children’s Week 2022

  • 1 min

Children’s Week is an annual festival celebrating the rights, achievements and needs of children across Australia.

The theme for 2022 is “all children have the right to a standard of living that supports their healthy development and wellbeing”.

Diverse events are held at national, state, and local levels and are used to focus the attention of the wider community on children and the issues they face.

Children’s Week not only celebrates the rights for children to enjoy their childhood, but it is also a time to demonstrate their talents, skills and abilities.

The General Manager of Children’s Services at HenderCare Foundation, Jasmin, explains why it’s a privilege to help support children:

“HenderCare Foundation wholeheartedly celebrates Children’s Week. Providing care to vulnerable children and young people is a privilege that is not lost on us and, as an organisation, we always aim to provide a standard of care to support the physical and emotional needs if the children we care for.”

For more information, please visit the official website for Children’s Week here.

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