
Updated Timesheet and New Terminology

  • 1 min

HenderCare has recently made some changes to your worksheets. Now known as timesheets, the form has some updated terminology you need to be familiar with.
The changes include:
New terminology:

Approved reimbusements / expenditures and kilometres
Where you have been given approval to claim a reimbursement, you must accurately record this down including the details of when and who approved it. You now need to record all approved travel being claimed and include names of suburbs being travelled in the description.
How do I access the new timesheet?
We have prepared a document called ‘Your Timesheet Explained’ – click here to access it via the staff portal.
Once you have used all of your already printed worksheets, please head to the staff portal to download a copy of the new document.
HenderCare Foundation employees are required to continue using the Children’s Services Worksheet until further notice.

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